Monday, March 07, 2016

Art Time

Dear Kerby,

This past Friday was First Friday in Michigan City. The first Friday of each moth places are open in or around the northern part of Franklin street in Michigan City. This area is referred to as the uptown Arts District. It has been designed to celebrate the arts. I am a member of an art gallery, Southern Shore Art Association, where I have been displaying art on an off for the past 5 years or so.

Over the time I have been involved with the art gallery I have seen places and people come and go. A group that had a grand re-opening this past Friday was the FADA group. I have come to know the artist involved with this organization due to the camera club I belong to in Michigan City. It started when a few members of the camera club wanted studios to work at. Not all FADA members do photography some of them are in jewelry or the beach. To some of them this has evolved into a mini gallery/business.

For a while I was having date night on Fridays. My date would understand about skipping date night when it would come to First Fridays and the art. Somehow, I found myself always hanging out with the FADA group after the art gallery closed even though I am not officially a member of this particular group.

I appreciate the artists I meet at the art gallery as well as other art events I attend on First Fridays. I am not sure where I would be today if I did not have this aspect of art in my life. People keep asking me what I do. I always tell them that I am I graphic designer. They stare back at me in a tad of amazement because I do not think they met someone with career choice. I bet they have met many doctors and lawyers in their lifetime.

This past First Friday gave me more inspiration and rebirth to know that I am in the right place. I am not sure what will happen when I get an apartment of my own in the near future. I want to move out of Indiana to be in a place where I feel more comfortable and fits who I am. I grew up in Indiana but I am not attached to it. Farm land is not too exciting.

What has inspired you lately? How has this inspiration affected you?

Talk to you later,